You have searched for Tenders of pune in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

31 Pune Station PMPML Bus Depot Yathil Electric Charging Station Electricity Proof Work Associate Electrical Specialist (Government or Semi-Government Vendor Registration Required)
32 Construction of e-buses charging station at Bibvewadi Rajiv Gandhi Nagar, Pune Municipal Corporation Working Electrical Special Work (Nandani Certificate from Govt or Semi-Government Organization required)
33 Survey No.111/6 Pune Mumbai Road, Baner Yate P.M.P.M.L Bus Charging Station viz Electrical Special Work for providing proof.(Government or Semi-Government Vendor Registration Required)
34 Pune Shartil Parimandal No. 4 within A.P.C. The system should work. (Government or semi-government vendor registration required)
35 Pune Municipal Baburao Sans Shala has been developed by Honorable Bharat Ratna Atal Bihari Vajpayee Medical College. (Government or Semi-Government Vendor Register
36 Pune Municipal Corporation Kamala Nehru Hospital Prabhag kr.16 madhe I.C.U. To do this, run the air conditioner with proof, installation and success.
37 Pune Municipal Corporation Vidhisha Emirati, Milakati within the working area of Parimandal Kr.1.
TRN : 862306 |  Pune - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 8.52 Lacs | Agency Name : Pune Municipal Corporation
Tender award for pune municipal corporation vidhisha emirati, milakati within the working area of parimandal kr.1.
38 Repair of air-conditioning system of various theaters, Savitribai Phule Cultural Bhavan, Balasaheb Thackeray Kaladalan and other places as specified by Pune Municipal Corporation. (MNPA)
39 Beautification of Test Track at CTI bhosari, Pune Division.
TRN : 862311 |  Pune - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 16.91 Lacs | Agency Name : Maharashtra State Road Transport Corporation
Tender award for beautification of test track at cti bhosari, pune division.
40 Renovation of executive Engineer office at railway station in Pune
TRN : 862312 |  Pune - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 16.18 Lacs | Agency Name : Maharashtra State Road Transport Corporation
Tender award for renovation of executive engineer office at railway station in pune

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