You have searched for Tenders of pune in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

2111 Construction of Ladies Students Hostel Building for Department of Social Justice (Electrical Work-Providing Solar Hot Water System Water Cooler and Water Purifier) (Forth Call) at Savitribai Phule Pune University (Fourth Call)
2112 Kadbanwadi Gat No.5 Cement Concrete Nala Bandh Tal. Indapur Dist. Pune
TRN : 502079 |  Pune - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 10.77 Lacs | Agency Name : Department Of Agriculture
Tender award for kadbanwadi gat no.5 cement concrete nala bandh tal. indapur dist. pune
2113 Constructing Internal concrete road in at Bawada (Ramamatanagar) ,Tal-Indapur , Dist-Pune
TRN : 500197 |  Pune - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 5.00 Lacs | Agency Name : Village Panchayat
Tender award for constructing internal concrete road in at bawada (ramamatanagar) ,tal-indapur , dist-pune
2114 Construction of under ground drainage scheme at Kurwali (Savatamaliwasti to Zopadpaati) Tal- Indapur ,Dist-Pune
TRN : 503687 |  Indapur - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 2.99 Lacs | Agency Name : Rural Development Department
Tender award for construction of under ground drainage scheme at kurwali (savatamaliwasti to zopadpaati) tal- indapur ,dist-pune
2115 Construction of under ground drainage scheme at Kurvali in Harijanwasti Tal- Indapur ,Dist-Pune
TRN : 503688 |  Indapur - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 4.99 Lacs | Agency Name : Rural Development Department
Tender award for construction of under ground drainage scheme at kurvali in harijanwasti tal- indapur ,dist-pune
2116 Construction of under ground drainage scheme at Kurvali in Matangwasti Tal- Indapur ,Dist-Pune
TRN : 503689 |  Indapur - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 4.98 Lacs | Agency Name : Rural Development Department
Tender award for construction of under ground drainage scheme at kurvali in matangwasti tal- indapur ,dist-pune
2117 Construction of under ground drainage scheme at Kurvali in Harijanwasti Tal- Indapur ,Dist-Pune
TRN : 503690 |  Indapur - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 4.99 Lacs | Agency Name : Rural Development Department
Tender award for construction of under ground drainage scheme at kurvali in harijanwasti tal- indapur ,dist-pune
2118 Construction of under ground drainage scheme at Kurvali in Matangwasti Tal- Indapur ,Dist-Pune
TRN : 503691 |  Indapur - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 4.98 Lacs | Agency Name : Rural Development Department
Tender award for construction of under ground drainage scheme at kurvali in matangwasti tal- indapur ,dist-pune
2119 Construction of under ground drainage scheme at Kurvali in Matangwasti Tal- Indapur ,Dist-Pune
TRN : 503692 |  Indapur - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 4.98 Lacs | Agency Name : Rural Development Department
Tender award for construction of under ground drainage scheme at kurvali in matangwasti tal- indapur ,dist-pune

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