You have searched for himachal-pradesh in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

8591 Construction of Indoor Auditorium for Cultural Programme at Kullu Distt Kullu HP SH Providing and fixing Control Gear and E.I for Lift well and One No Electric Elevator for 8 Passenger therein
8592 Operation, Running and Maintenance of Sub divisional Water sample testing laboratory Rohru in Distt HP
TRN : 530604 |  Shimla - Himachal Pradesh
Contract Value : 14.02 Lacs | Agency Name : Department Of Irrigation
Tender award for operation, running and maintenance of sub divisional water sample testing laboratory rohru in distt hp
8593 Construction of ITI Building at Killar Tehsil Pangi District Chamba HP SH Providing Electrical Installation therein
TRN : 599478 |  Chamba - Himachal Pradesh
Contract Value : 20.82 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for construction of iti building at killar tehsil pangi district chamba hp sh providing electrical installation therein
8594 Augmentation of Water supply Scheme Drang Dhoran Ghanetta, Replacement of old distribution system and provision of sector lines, Sector tanks for WSs Dadh Providing Water Supply Scheme PC habitation Brankar under WSS Darang Dhoran Ghanetta in Tehsi
8595 Construction of Indoor Auditorium for Cultural Programme at Kullu District Kullu HP SH Providing EI therein
TRN : 599474 |  Kullu - Himachal Pradesh
Contract Value : 62.16 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for construction of indoor auditorium for cultural programme at kullu district kullu hp sh providing ei therein
8596 Providing and installation of 11Nos India Mark III 65mm India Mark III 50mm and 32mm mark II deep well hand pumps in various Non Tribal Districts of Himachal Pradesh SH Drilling by DTH ODEX percussion Calyx RC Portable Rings 11 Nos Portabl
8597 Providing LWSS to SC habitations Boda Buhla, Boda Upperla, Henja, Bhadal, Sutrehar,Mansimble Uperla Mansimble Buhla in Tehsil Palampur District Kangra H.P. SH.C.O main Over Head storage reservoir of 150000 litres capacity near Node No. 5 at vi
8598 Revised working estimate for the Construction of Primary Health Centre building at Cholangarh in Tehsil Sarkaghat Distt.Mandi (HP) (SH:- Construction of building portion, WS & SI Site development and rain Harvesting tank)
8599 Construction of Flow Irrigation Scheme Dewan Chand Kuhl under Schedule Cast Component plan in Tehsil Palampur Distt Kangra HP SH Providing Laying Jointing of HDPE pipe in distribution system RD 0 to 2050 ,2050 Rmt C,O RCC Main Channel from RD
8600 Construction of Additional Accommodation to Primary Health Centre building at Marhi in Tehsil Sarkaghat Distt.Mandi (HP) (SH:- Construction of Delivery Room , Male and Female ward, WS & SI, Site Development, Rein water harvesting tank etc. )

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