You have searched for Tenders of shimla in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

151 C/O Link road from Jouni Barol Galu to Kali Mata mandir Kuffer in tehsil kotkhai Distt Shimla H.P.
TRN : 626042 |  Shimla - Himachal Pradesh
Contract Value : 16.78 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for c/o link road from jouni barol galu to kali mata mandir kuffer in tehsil kotkhai distt shimla h.p.
152 C/O of Stadium for Shirgul Maharaj Temple Complex at Kupvi Tehsil Kupvi Distt. Shimla (HP)
TRN : 623346 |  Shimla - Himachal Pradesh
Contract Value : 26.43 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for c/o of stadium for shirgul maharaj temple complex at kupvi tehsil kupvi distt. shimla (hp)
153 CAD Work of FIS Jharag Matasa in Tehsil jubbal Distt Shimla HP SH Construction of CC Chennel at various RDs Construction of plum concrete wall at various RDs and Laying and jointing of GMS tube of 65mm dia 500 Rmt
154 Prov GWSS to PC Hab of CV Chaunri Dhansar GP Jhalta Tehsil Jubbal Distt Shimla H) SH CO RCC Intake Chamber 1No Storage Tank 4 Nos at Node 8 9 11 12 of 10000 Ltr cap each and laying and jointing testing in trenches of Distribution Network of va
155 Providing LIS to Horticulture land from Koku Nallah to Halaila Mahasu in GP Prem Nagar Mahasu Bakhol and Gumma Tehsil Kotkhai Distt Shimla HP SH Laying and jointing of GMS tube light class of various dia 7100 Rmt and repair of existing storage tanks
156 Construction of Girls Sports Hostel building at Govt. Serior Secnondary school Jubbal in Tehsil Jubbal District Shimla HP ( SH- C/O building portion , W.S. and S.I. works and site developments.)
157 C/O Expansion of Cancer Hospital Building at IGMC Shimla (SH C/O Civil work WS and SI work Rain harvesting tank and site development etc)
158 Special repair of Phase II building at IGMC Shimla SH P F clean room lights conducted floor surgeon control panel plain air ceiling repair work in CTVS
159 Construction of New OPD block at IGMC Shimla SH Construction of trauma ward SH Providing electrical installaltion therein
TRN : 622378 |  Shimla - Himachal Pradesh
Contract Value : 2.16 Crore | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for construction of new opd block at igmc shimla sh construction of trauma ward sh providing electrical installaltion therein
160 Providing LIS Now FIS for HL from Anti Khad to Dhadi Shangri in GP Anti Tehsil Jubbal Distt. Shimla HP SH Phase 4th CO RCC Storage Tank 50000 ltrs cap 22 Nos PF Sanitory Protection and L and J GI pipes of various dia 16340 Rmt and CO Distribution cha

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