You have searched for una-diu-gujarat- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

1 Improvement of Urban Water Supply Scheme Una Town in Tehsil and Distt Una HP
TRN : 685552 |  Una-Diu - Gujarat
Contract Value : 25.04 Lacs | Agency Name : Department Of Irrigation
Tender award for improvement of urban water supply scheme una town in tehsil and distt una hp
2 Replacement of 17 Nos. Old defunct T/wells Improvement of Irrigation system Bhadsali, Ispur , Saloh, Bathree, Bat Kalan, Bathu, Kungrath, Lalehri Nangal Kalan etc in Distt Una HP
3 C/O road from Bandahu to Bairghatta km 0/0 to 4/885 i/c 2 Nos Bridges over Kotlu Nallah and Moul Khad (under NABARD RIDF-XX)
4 Job 4 Construction of link road to Govt. High School, Jhorowal, Tehsil and Distt. Una HP Sub Head C.O Cement Concrete Pavement and Edge wall at RD 0-0 to 0-200
5 Job 1 Construction of link road to Mohalla Kailua in Village Bathu km. 0-0 to 1-700 Sub Head C.O Cement Concrete Pavement at RD 0-600 to 1-100 Under OTMNP

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