You have searched for palghar-maharashtra- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

81 Construction of Bridge on NH 8 to Saswand Chinchale Amboli (Ambivali) Joining to NH NO 8 ODR NO 11 Taluka Dahanu District Palghar.
TRN : 840438 |  Palghar - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 50.43 Lacs | Agency Name : Rural Development Department
Tender award for construction of bridge on nh 8 to saswand chinchale amboli (ambivali) joining to nh no 8 odr no 11 taluka dahanu district palghar.
82 construction of S.H. 75 to Parnali Ambatpada Mundawali Ranishigaon to Boisar road ODR 65 Ch 2/500 to 3/800, Tal -Palghar
TRN : 840439 |  Palghar - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 69.84 Lacs | Agency Name : Rural Development Department
Tender award for construction of s.h. 75 to parnali ambatpada mundawali ranishigaon to boisar road odr 65 ch 2/500 to 3/800, tal -palghar
83 Construction opf MDR 27 to Navapur Dandi Uchhali Patharali Navidelwadi MDR 4 to Dahisar Tarfe Tarapur road ODR 67 Ch4/00 to 6/00, Tal -Palghar
84 Construction of Construction Of Primary Health Sub-Center Building at.Ghimaniya., Tal.Talasari., Dist.- Palghar.
TRN : 840441 |  Palghar - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 1.57 Crore | Agency Name : Rural Development Department
Tender award for construction of construction of primary health sub-center building at.ghimaniya., tal.talasari., dist.- palghar.
85 Improvement to Dhamodi Pimpalpada Ase to Jalichapada Road O.D.R.45 (Construction of C.D. Work and Built-up Gutter) Km. 0/000 to 8/500 Taluka Mokhada District Palghar
86 ST BT to MSH 4 to Tanashi Vadade to Raipada to MDR 13 Approch road ODR 25 ch 1/500 to 3/00 and 5/00 to 6/500 Taluka Dahanu District Palghar.
87 Construction of CD Works on Kaner Koshimbe Khardi Doliv Vaitarna Dahisar Kaner C.C. Road (ODR 107) Ch. 1/750 to 7/000 , Taluka Vasai District Palghar.
88 Providing ST BT to SH 30 Sarni Urse Saye Dabhon to MDR 26 road ( ODR 29) ch 5/900 to 8/000 8/750to 9/100 9/800 to 10/200 10/350to 10/700 11/800 to 12/00Taluka Dahanu District Palghar.
89 S.T.B.T. to M.D.R.44 to Chabake Talavali Ghaneghar Ghaneda Boranda Shilshet Kev Mhasaroli Kurze Kadhipada to M.D.R.44 Road. ODR - 77, CH.0/000 to 3/000 and Repairs to Bridge at CH.19/100. Tal Vikramgad. Dist-Palghar.
90 Construction of C.C. (Paver Blocks) Road at. Holipada ArnalaKilla , Taluka Vasai District Palghar.
TRN : 837282 |  Palghar - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 6.93 Lacs | Agency Name : Rural Development Department
Tender award for construction of c.c. (paver blocks) road at. holipada arnalakilla , taluka vasai district palghar.

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