You have searched for moga-punjab- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

201 Providing Operational improvement by laying pipelines and installing house connections for improved water supply coverage in Village Lopon, Block Nihal Singh Wala, Distt. Moga, through community driven development. (Under PRWSSIP/Sub Component 2a (i)/NRDWP
202 Providing Operational improvement by laying pipelines and installing house connections for improved water supply coverage in Village Dhilwan, Block Bagha Purana, Distt. Moga, through community driven development. (Under PRWSSIP/Sub Component 2a (i)/NRDWP
203 Providing Tower Lighting Providing Tower Lighting System in Purchase Centre /Sub-Yards at Dhudike, Mehna,Kokri Kalan and Takhanvadh M.C. Ajitwal
204 DNIT for Special repair of Yard light and Street light in additional yard Dharmkot, Providing Tower Lighting System in Purchase centre Indergarh and Jalalabaad M.C. Dharamkot Distt. Moga. under 750 Cr Project
205 Repair-Widening and Re-Constructions of Bridge and Culverts of Various Link Roads
TRN : 587417 |  Moga - Punjab
Contract Value : 89.91 Lacs | Agency Name : Department Of Agriculture
Tender award for repair-widening and re-constructions of bridge and culverts of various link roads
206 Repair-Widening and Re-Constructions of Bridge and Culverts of Various Link Roads in Baghapurana
TRN : 587420 |  Moga - Punjab
Contract Value : 88.38 Lacs | Agency Name : Department Of Agriculture
Tender award for repair-widening and re-constructions of bridge and culverts of various link roads in baghapurana
207 Repair-Widening and Re-Constructions of Bridge and Culverts of Various Link Roads in Dharmkot
TRN : 587423 |  Moga - Punjab
Contract Value : 67.14 Lacs | Agency Name : Department Of Agriculture
Tender award for repair-widening and re-constructions of bridge and culverts of various link roads in dharmkot
208 Repair-Widening and Re-Constructions of Bridge and Culverts of Various Link Roads in Dharmkot and MC Fathegarh Panjtoor
209 Repair-Widening and Re-Constructions of Bridge and Culverts of Various Link Roads in MC Nihal Singh Wala -
TRN : 587428 |  Moga - Punjab
Contract Value : 1.30 Crore | Agency Name : Department Of Agriculture
Tender award for repair-widening and re-constructions of bridge and culverts of various link roads in mc nihal singh wala -
210 Const. and Repair for Parking at NGM Nihal Singh Wala, Const. pf PC Himatpura, Patto Hira Singh and Raunta 750 Crore Project of Mandis M.C Nihal Singh Wala

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