You have searched for Tenders of kozhikode in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

11 GENERAL- RM 2022-23 Cluster II-One year RC - Kozhikode-Thodannur, Kozhikode-RM 2022-23-Zone-1 One year running contract for various PWD roads under roads section Thodannur in Kozhikode district 10 road stretches for a length of 66.385 km
12 LAC ADS Construction of New Building for Ayurveda Dispensary at Beypore Kozhikode
TRN : 861079 |  Ernakulam - Kerala
Contract Value : 37.63 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for lac ads construction of new building for ayurveda dispensary at beypore kozhikode
13 G E N E R A L C U L V E R T AND D R A I N Construction of culvert at Km 0 740 and Concrete side Drain between Km 0 700 and Km 1 000 on Kozhikode Balussery road General Civil Work
14 G E N E R A L C U L V E R T AND D R A I N Reconstruction of culvert at Km 0 710 and allied works on Kozhikode Balussery road General Civil Work
15 Upgrading Schools as Centres of Excellence - Infrastructure Development GHSS Nallalam, Kozhikode
TRN : 856800 |  Kozhikode - Kerala
Contract Value : 1.82 Crore | Agency Name : Inkel Limited
Tender award for upgrading schools as centres of excellence - infrastructure development ghss nallalam, kozhikode
16 UCR IN Kozhikode District-Improvements to keezhariyur-podiyadi-thurayur road in Keezhariyur GP
TRN : 855297 |  Kozhikode - Kerala
Contract Value : 1.12 Crore | Agency Name : Harbour Engineering Department
Tender award for ucr in kozhikode district-improvements to keezhariyur-podiyadi-thurayur road in keezhariyur gp
17 Deposit Work-Kozhikode Corporation Providing water connection to various Anganwady under revenue wards 07 to 10 and 20 to 23 under Distribution Section III I West Hill
18 PWD Buildings North Circle, Kozhikode - General Education Department - Annual Plan 2020 - 21 - Construction of School Building of Govt. Higher Secondary School,Munderi,
19 KIIFB- FSH002-08 lmproving Educational Infrastructure in selected schools of the coast of Kerala - Educational Infrastructure Works at Malappuram and Kozhikode Districts Phase 2- GFLPS CHALIYAM,
20 PWD Buildings North Circle, Kozhikode - Kerala Budget - 2018-19 Construction of a Building for GHSS Mambaram
TRN : 806223 |  Kannur - Kerala
Contract Value : 1.84 Crore | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for pwd buildings north circle, kozhikode - kerala budget - 2018-19 construction of a building for ghss mambaram

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